Galleries 2023 - 24
This page contains all Competition images that were placed or commended during the 2023 – 2024 Season.
Click on main image to see full Gallery of Awards in each competition.
21st May - Annual Colour PDI Competition
Judge: Diana Magor
30th April - Annual Print Competitions
Judge: Diana Magor
9th April - Annual Mono PDI Competition
Judge: Sue Freeman
5th March - Landscape Print Competition
Judge: Steve Hitchin (Wigan) (These are the digital images from which the Prints were produced).
5th March - Nature Competition (PDI)
Judge: Steve Hitchin (Wigan)
25th January - Battle with Hawarden PS images
The Battle was hosted by Hawarden PS The final result was that Bebington won by 428 – 412.
9th January 2024 - J. B. Lancaster Competition
Judge: Ken Hudson CPAGB, BPE 3*
The competition was for 6 -8 images on a theme.
28th November - Jubilee Shield Competition
Judge: Chris Kay
The Jubilee Competition was for sets of 4 images from different categories. Images below will be in sets of 4 according to awards.
31st October - Set Subject 'Bridges' (Digital)
The Results of the Print Competition were; 1st Place Dave Kelly with Victorian Bridge; 2nd Place Vivienne Noonan with Up’n Over, Down Under; 3rd Place Richard Bradford with Bridge to the Arctic. Other awards also went to Vivienne Noonan, and Phil Jones.
Judge: Steve Carr (Wallasey PS)
3rd October - Medallions (Digital)
The Results of the Print Competition were; 1st Place – Alun Lambert with Northern Gannet; 2nd Place Squirrel Picnic by Rob Totty, 3rd Place Damsel Fly by Rob Totty. Other awards went to Alun Lambert, Rob Totty and Kevin Barnes
Judge: Sue Freeman (President of Hoylake PS).
12th September - Summer Competition
This was a ‘just for fun’ competition with a number of subjects that had to be shot through the Summer period.
Judge: David Newby, President & Photographer of the year from Heswall PS