** Winners of the Marsden Cup in 2023 & 2024 **

About Us

Our club brings together photographers of every level, including beginners, seasoned photographers & accomplished competition winners. We pride ourselves on being a teaching club and a very friendly group.

If you are interested in photography, why not come along and see what we are about, and you will be made most welcome. We can help Members in all aspects of photography. For newer Members, we can arrange hands-on training sessions. We also try and organise events featuring invited speakers such as renowned photographers and visiting judges.

For details of when & where we meet – see our Contact Page

Our History

The club was formed in 1897 as the Port Sunlight Camera Club and was exclusively for the Staff of Lever Brothers Ltd. In 1908 it merged with the Literary & Scientific Society and remained prominent until 1914.   Although mentions of the club can be found until the 1930’s, it wasn't until 1949, after World War II, when the Port Sunlight Photographic Club was revived for the employees of Lever Brothers. Associate Memberships was allowed in 1970’s (maximum 10% of the total Membership). In 1957, the club joined the Lancashire & Cheshire Photographic Union. In 1984, the sponsorship and the association with the Lever Empire were ceased, and thus, the club became an ‘open’ photographic club. In the same year, the club received a new name - Bebington & Port Sunlight Photographic Society which was changed to Bebington Photographic Society in 1988. 

Current Committee Members: Phil Jones (President);  J P Srivalsan (Vice); Paul Wallington (Secretary & Competition Sec.); Jude Srivalsan (Treasurer); Vivienne Noonan (Program Secretary); Rob Totty (External Comp Sec.); Brian Murray; Trevor Buckle; Sue Doyle.
